Monday, February 22, 2010

ABC (Appalachian Brewing Company) Root Beer


Brand: ABC (Appalachian Brewing Company)
Brewed in: Harrisburg, PA
Where to find: Central PA, Giant food stores

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Packaging/Label: Above and beyond. There's a freaking bear on the label - of course, it's awesome! Full color, great illustrations, well thought-out composition. Most importantly, i really dig the bottle cap. Sure, they could have copped out with a plain, generic cap or just stamped their name on there in an after-thought, but they cap it off with a paw print paired with a "seal of excellence".

Aroma: I wish every room I entered could smell this good! Layers of spice; prominent in vanilla, but not overwhelming.

Bite: Medium bite; doesn't interfere with flavor but lasts throughout.

Flavor: Full, smooth flavor from the first sip to the last; tastes just like it smells - there are hints of vanilla, honey and other spices with no crazy-weird aftertaste like you might expect with so much going on inside this bottle.

Should you buy it? You haven't ordered yours already? Really, you need to try this.

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Additional Notes: 

Not only is this one helluva great root beer, but the people who work for the company are incredibly accommodating too. When I tried finding out where in the Philadelphia-area (where I'm from) I could find a distributor, they really worked with me to make it happen.

Overall Rating:


1 comment:

  1. I was finally able to try this root beer after months of searching for a place to buy it. Hands down, the best I've tasted!
