Monday, March 8, 2010

Sprecher Root Beer

Brand: Sprecher Root Beer
Brewed in: Glendale, WI
Where to find: Sporadically nationwide, heavily in the Midwest

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Packaging/Label: I! love! this! logo! Initially, I was taken back to my childhood because their character reminded me of some old cartoon crows or blackbirds - BUT, upon closer inspection with my wife, we realized: that's no bird, that's a GRIFFIN. Way to up the rad by 110, Sprecher. Honoring your heritage AND incorporating the style of Saturday morning cartoons? You've reeled me in. They've got character and with a heftier weight and a larger diameter than your average soda bottle, it's not only fun to look at but it's a fun bottle to hold, too.

Aroma: Slightly sweet and honeylicious

Bite: Mild, short-lived bite

Flavor: Sprecher is a very smooth, creamy, classic root beer with hints of honey and vanilla. No one spice or ingredient overpowers another and overall they come together to form one distinct flavor. There's a mild, spicy aftertaste that reminds me of Sweetzals spiced wafers, and, in fact, I think the two together might make one perfect snack.

Should you buy it? If you see a bottle, snag it! If anything, I'd buy this again to use as a security device.

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Additional Notes:

For once, I think I covered everything in the previous sections! But I'd also like to throw in the notion that this root beer tastes like what root beer treats strive to be. It reminds me of root beer snow cone flavoring, especially, and that's something I can raise my mug to!

Overall Rating:


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